Mission Statement:
Kamal Kisan develops Innovation for a Financially Profitability and Environmental Sustainable Agriculture.
Kamal Kisan’s India focused innovation in agricultural equipment delivers unique, mechanical devices that offer at least a 50% increase in process efficiency, resulting in at least 50% cost-benefit to farmers. This has become a value proposition in the face of 23% migration of rural labour to urban centres. With farmers spending over 40% of their total cultivation cost on labour alone, the profession is no longer profitable, and hence over 100,000 farmers give up farming every year. With a lack of relevant technology, and the cost of labour doubling every 3 years, the country's food security concerns will become a reality by 2020. Kamal Kisan vision is to restore profitability in agriculture and restore the pride of the farmer.
Kamal Kisan is registered as a brand name under Simple Farm Solutions Private Limited. The company was established in 2013.
The Problem
The small and marginal farmer is the backbone of Indian agriculture and contributes over 50% of the national food supply. There are over 93 million small and marginal farmers in India representing over 83% of India’s farmers, each with landholdings less than 2 Acres. In recent years several factors have affected this ecosystem making it harder and harder for farmers to sustain themselves using traditional approaches. These include large scale migration of labour to urban areas which has driven up input costs, poor knowledge and support networks for more modern methods of farming, and a lack of mechanization options that are viable within their small plot sizes. As a result, India’s farmers are increasingly unable to sustain their livelihoods.
The Solution
Kamal Kisan is focused on addressing the most glaring gap in the current ecosystem – the lack of viable mechanization options for small & marginal farmers. The two key pillars of our intervention are:
- Mechanization solutions to improve productivity, profitability and sustainability: We develop and provide cost-effective and high-quality precision farm mechanization solutions that work within the constraints of our target population. These solutions are designed to encourage a transition to high-value crops, scientific cultivation practices and maximization of labour productivity.
- Ecosystem engagement and development to drive adoption and usage: We engage deeply with the supporting ecosystem to ensure that farmers can access the necessary knowledge and material inputs needed to effectively use our solutions to drive increased farm outputs while lowering input costs.
Kamal Kisan focuses on bringing a systematic approach to both pillars of our intervention in order to maximize the breadth (# of farmers we reach) and depth (total value delivered per farmer) of our impact.
Mechanization Solutions
Our mechanization solutions are built to adhere to the following design principles:
- Viability of usage on small farms (<2 Acres)
- Minimal dependence on fuel
- Self Maintainable by the farmer
- Intuitive to use
- Ruggedized and Cost Effective
We prioritize the development of equipment for crops that are labour and input intensive using traditional cultivation practices.